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  • Writer's pictureLauren

Merry Christmas from The De Witts

Dear Friends and Family,

Rejoice! Today in the city of David, a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord (Lk. 2:11)!

2022 was another wonderful year in the De Witt family. In January, Emily Grace turned 9, a milestone that was preceded with much weeping by her mother, who lamented to everyone within hearing distance that we were now "50% done with raising her."

In February Aaron shot his first wild turkey at the camp. It turns out wild turkey is really quite tough, and the resulting gumbo was not considered a success.

In March and early April, Lauren wrapped up her job as Formation Director at Our Lady of Mercy, in an unsuccessful attempt to slow down. Left with a modicum of free time, we launched a full scale renovation down to the studs of one half of the house, started a vegetable garden, and acquired a flock of chickens. The renovation was a success (six months later), the vegetable garden was a miserable failure (almost immediately), and the chickens continue to be a source of amusement to everyone except Charlotte, our German Shorthaired Pointer, who spends much of her day plotting with Ambrose, the cat, as to how to end this aviary invasion.

In May, Emily Grace completed 3rd grade and Beckett completed Kindergarten at Sequitur Classical Academy. Abbott consented to perform in his Mother's Day Out year-end program and turned 4 at the end of the month - another milestone that sent his mother into a mild depression. Beckett also wrapped up a late season of baseball.

Our summer months were spent at the pool (between rainstorms) and the laundromat, as our laundry room remained unusable due to the renovation. Beckett turned 6 in July, with the now predictable lament from his mother. Also in July, Lauren made first promises as a member of Apostoli Viae.

In August, Emily Grace began 4th grade and Beckett began 1st grade at Sequitur, while Abbott remains our sole full-time homeschooler for pre-k. In the Fall, Emily Grace and Beckett began English horseback riding lessons as well as formal piano lessons. Beckett also had a wonderful soccer season. With Parish School of Religion classes at St. Agnes rounding out our activities, our weeks are always busy, but our hearts are always full.

We wrapped up the year with several deer hunting expeditions (some successful, others not), and the boys got to attend their first Ole Miss football game against LSU with Aaron. Beckett now wants to know the score for every sporting event he hears about. For Halloween, inspired by Elsa Beskow's Children of the Forest, we paraded about the neighborhood as a troop of mushrooms. Finally, at Abbott's insistence, we also acquired a rabbit he subsequently named "Jimmy" in early December - because, why not?

We are so thankful for your prayers and presence in our lives, and please know that we are praying for you in this joyful Christmas season and the year to come.

Merry Christmas,

The De Witts

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1 comentario

26 ene 2023

Two of my adult children have left the Church. They both are good hard working boys who are raising families'

. One attends a small Bible church and the other attends a mega-church. We get together regularly for get togethers but only for a wedding or funeral do they go with us to the Catholic Church. I miss us going to mass together so much. I pray daily for St.Monica to intercede. I was very impressed with your story in CH network. I am going to order that DVD. I am also looking for information to share on The Theology of the Body..Do you have any suggestions for us. Thank you. Bernice Schmidt


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